
The GRAVITY+ Project
Guillaume Bourdarot  1@  
1 : Max Planck Institut for Extraterrestrial Physics

The GRAVITY+ project will provide a major upgrade of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, by increasing by orders of magnitude the sky-coverage, sensitivity and high-contrast capabilities previously accessible with VLTI. At the heart of the upgrade is the implementation on all 8m telescope of state-of-the-art Adaptive Optics and Laser Guide Stars, improved vibration control and wide off-axis fringe tracking. This improvement will have profund implications on the sample of objects and the observing capabilities previously accessible with infrared interferometry. The LGS operation will allow for the first time the observation of red, embedded objects (R<19), giving access to regions of star formation never observed with infrared interferometry, while the overall improvement will increase the sensitivity of existing objects up to K

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